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Students Say Thank You

  • Kellie Thomas
    Kellie Thomas
    Dr. John William Turrentine was a Burlington, N.C., native-known internationally as a groundbreaking chemist but respected locally as a civic philanthropist.
  • Sarah White
    Sarah White
    When Sarah White arrived at UNC Greensboro to pursue a master's degree in nutrition, she was prepared for the transformative education that will lead to...
  • Allison Phanthavong
    Allison Phanthavong
    Allison Phanthavong always wanted to travel: to see far-off places and meet extraordinary people.
  • Kayleigh Riker
    Kayleigh Riker
    Everyone is looking for something when they pick their college. For some, it's membership on a Division I athletics team; for others, it's a mentor who is...
  • Kaleb Isenhour
    Kaleb Isenhour
    Frances "Fran" Turner Ross '56 was raised to value education, and during her years at Woman's College (now UNC Greensboro), she was a member of...
  • António Maiato '19
    António Maiato '19
    At the young age of 15, António Maiato '19 found himself alone in a new country. His parents had sent him from Angola to America to increase his...
  • Tina Qualheim '16
    Tina Qualheim '16
    Going back to school can be hard, more so when you're a single parent. Tina Qualheim '16 understands this better than most.
  • Sadie Daniels '12
    Sadie Daniels '12
    College can often feel like a full-time job, and for students who already have an occupation, the road to a degree can be extremely turbulent...
  • Henrietta Raven Dial Stanley
    Henrietta Raven Dial Stanley
    Native Americans make up 1.8 percent of the United States population. In North Carolina more than 150,000 citizens identify as Native American or...
  • Jordan Lopez
    Jordan Lopez
    Jordan Lopez is one of the nation's future leaders. Currently he is a junior at UNC Greensboro, majoring in political science with a concentration in pre-law.
  • Leeroy Maguraushe '18
    Leeroy Maguraushe '18
    UNCG men's soccer coaching staff spotted a standout in the crowd of more than 300 talented high school players at a 2015 soccer showcase in England.
  • Corrinne and Michelle Rosquillo
    Corrinne and Michelle Rosquillo
    College is a time of discovery - of finding your career, your dreams, your place. While every student at UNC Greensboro can thrive on our campus, Corrinne...
  • Scott and Krista Thomason
    Scott and Krista Thomason
    Since 1994, Strong College - one of UNC Greensboro's three residential colleges - has prepared students to make connections.
  • Megan Mead
    Megan Mead
    Look closely at Megan Mead's "Find Your Way Here" campaign photo for symbols of her journey to UNCG: U.S. Army dog tags.
  • Nicholas Smurthwaite
    Nicholas Smurthwaite
    Dreams come in all shapes and sizes - from top-tier sports stadiums to pristine labs, from the Oval Office to the brightly lit classroom.